Gerd Breitenbach, physicist, Muenchen, born 1964
Quantum States of Light, an introduction to quantum optics
The quantum harmonic oscillator
Crystals and Light, a virtual polarization microscope
Curves of planetary motion in geocentric perspective: Epitrochoids
Vibrating strings, musical intervals and the curves of Lissajous.
Arnold's cat, Chaos and Poincaré recurrence.
HighSchool: Fractions --- Quadratic Equations --- Graphs and Functions --- Perl tutorial (german).
Kubismus und Quantenmechanik, Vortrag 2012 (PDF)
Cubism and Quantum Mechanics, talk 2012 (PDF)
Topology description, german PDF-file
Topology, link to the publisher
Tomoe description, german PDF-file
Tomoe description, english PDF-file
Tomoe link to the publisher
Alp Weissenberg, big cheese, high air, and sweet cows